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Pediatrics of Southwest Houston

Pediatricians located in Houston, Bellaire, TX

A fever is a sign of illness that you shouldn't ignore -- especially in your young child. Whether the fever is low grade or is rapidly climbing, it's always best to have your child checked out by experienced pediatricians who can diagnose the cause of the fever and take the appropriate steps to lower it quickly. Pediatrics of Southwest Houston is a Houston pediatric care facility that's here to help your children and provide parents with the support they need. Use the online appointment maker or call the office for help with a fever anytime.

Fever Q & A

When should you call Pediatrics of Southwest Houston if your child has a fever?

This varies based on the age of your child. If your infant (especially if three months of age or younger) has a rectal temperature measuring 100.5°F or higher, contact Pediatrics of Southwest Houston right away. Fevers can be especially dangerous for very young babies.

At toddler age and beyond, it's just as important to observe your child’s behavior and symptoms as it is to measure temperature. A temperature alone may not be serious if your child still behaves normally, eats and drinks normally, and seems alert and happy. If your child has a temperature of 100.5° F or higher and has symptoms such as lethargy, irritability, loss of appetite, and lack of alertness, call Pediatrics of Southwest Houston promptly for help.

When should you administer medication at home for your child's fever?

In most cases, your child won't need medication for a fever unless their temperature is 102° F or higher. When your child’s temperature is lower than that, administer medication at home only if your child is feeling uncomfortable.

What types of medications are safe to give for a fever at home?

Children's versions of acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol) and ibuprofen (brand name Motrin) are generally safe to give children when they have a fever. However, it's always best to speak with one of the pediatricians at Pediatrics of Southwest Houston before you administer medication for a fever since you might need to bring your child in for a visit instead.

Can teething cause your child to have a fever?

Yes, but temperature rise due to teething rarely exceeds 100° F. If your child’s temperature is significantly higher than that and you don't see any other symptoms other than teething, contact Pediatrics of Southwest Houston for advice.

What is the best way to take your child's temperature?

Rectal thermometers are very reliable and are usually the best way to obtain accurate temperatures in infants and young children. Once your child is old enough to reliably sit still for an oral temperature reading, this is also a good option. Other options such as forehead and ear thermometers are not reliable enough in most cases.

If your child has a temperature, don't hesitate to call on Pediatrics of Southwest Houston for help. Use the convenient appointment maker or call the office anytime!